Hospital Beds and Mattresses
Hospital Beds or Home Care Bed are essential for patients, it maximise comfort for patients who use them for extended period of time. The automated function enables patient to make adjustment to the positioning and elevation of the bed. This will allow for movement as well as periodic change of pressure points on the body thereby improving blood circulation and prevent pressure sore after prolonged bed rest.
Caring for our loved ones who is bed ridden can also take a toll on the care givers with common complains of back pain from frequent bending down to administer care. Hospital bed enables caregivers to elevate their patients to a level at which they can care for them without straining their own bodies in the process.
Selecting the right mattress is also a critical factor to give the patient maximum comfort in the course of recovery. One may consider a good quality memory foam mattress with good density to provide better support and most importantly, easy maintenance. For more critical care and bed sore prevention, an alternating tubular air cell air mattress is recommended for the patients.
Here is an article by on why prolonged bed rest isn’t good.
We have two models; ES-02JH & ES-08FDS.